Types of University degrees

Types of University degrees

Postsecondary students can opt for one of the four major types of University degrees. Earning a university degree can take you from 2 to 8 years, and all of them require a high school diploma. You can choose to earn an associate degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a doctoral degree depending on your academic interests and career goals, so let’s learn more about them.

1. Associate Degree

From these 4 types of University degrees, it’s easiest to earn an associate degree. You’ll need to pick an associate-level program that will last for 2 years and provide you with the training you need for certain entry-level positions like graphic design or nursing. These degrees are most often provided by technical schools and community colleges. If you’re wondering whether you can get a job after getting an associate degree, you most certainly can because you’ll be qualified for certain jobs. However, you can choose to continue your education at a four-year university instead because you’ll have the necessary general education. Most often, students choose Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Applied Science (AAS), and Associate of Science (AS) degrees.

 Types of University degrees2. Bachelor’s degree

An undergraduate program, as the name suggests, is a program that takes place before college graduation. One of these programs is a bachelor’s degree program which usually lasts four years. You will need to pick a major field of study, for example, communications, finance, or biology. After you graduate, you’ll be qualified for management-level positions or entry-level jobs depending on your field of study. This is one of the types of university degrees that you need to get admitted into one of the graduate programs. There are many bachelor’s degree programs, including Bachelor of Business Administration (BAS), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Bachelor of Arts (BA), and Bachelor of Architecture (BArch). For instance, you’d consider getting a BFA if you’re an author or an actor, BAS if you’re a project manager or a software developer, BArch if you’re an interior designer, and BBA if you’re a manager, or an entrepreneur.

3. Master’s degree

Types of University degrees are listed by hierarchy, and the next one is called the master’s degree. This is one of the graduate programs that you can take to specialize in a specific area of study. They usually last a year or two years, depending on the field. Enrolling in this program requires you to have an undergraduate degree, a minimum GPA, as well as an acceptance score on exams such as GRE (Graduate Record Examination). Many of these programs require you to write a thesis or create a capstone project in order to graduate. Earning a master’s degree qualifies you to work in executive or advanced-level positions. Some doctoral programs require you to have a master’s degree for entrance. Examples include Master of Arts (MA), Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Science (MS), and Master of Publishing (MPub).

4. Doctoral degree

Doctoral degree programs are the highest of all types of college degrees, and they are often called Ph.D. programs. This is the most advanced type of program available, so admittance often requires a master’s degree, but some programs accept those who only have a bachelor’s degree. There are additional requirements, which means that you’ll probably need to submit standardized test scores as well as send in a letter of recommendation. It will take you several years to complete this program, and you’ll probably need to complete a dissertation and conduct a big research project. If you’re interested in a medical-related program you’ll probably need to complete clinical hours and deal with real patients in the final years of study. Requirements and funding vary significantly, so it’s very important to pick the right college for getting a doctoral degree. As a Ph.D. graduate, you’ll be qualified to work as an expert in areas of research or business or as a professor (at the postsecondary level). Common types of University degrees when it comes to PhDs are Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), Juris Doctor (JD), and Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS).

These are not the only types of University degrees, but they are the main ones, and you can gain them through online degree programs. Taking classes online gives you the flexibility that you need, and a lot of colleges now provide distance learning opportunities. Choose a subject you’re interested in, or find out about the 8 best degrees that you can get by taking college courses online, and become an expert in the field that interests you!